Michael Bush on natural beekeeping

Michael Bush New page has been added to the Resources section. It is dedicated to Michael Bush - one of the leading proponents of of treatment free beekeeping in the United States. Michael is the author of "The Practical Beekeeper" book and the creator of the great beekeeping resource located at bushfarms.com. He has been keeping bees since the mid 70's, usually from two to seven hives up until the year 2000. Varroa forced more experimentation which required more hives and the number has grown steadily over the years from then. By 2008 it was about 200 hives. He is active on many of the beekeeping forums (http://beesource.com, http://beemaster.com) with last count at more than 50,000 posts between all of them.

"His writing is like his talks, with more content, detail, and depth than one would think possible with such few words...his website and PowerPoint presentations are the gold standard for diverse and common sense beekeeping practices." - Dean Stiglitz

Michael's website is, quite simply, the best current book on beekeeping (and it's free and up to date). Some of the most concise and precise writing on beekeeping you are likely to come across. By clicking the link below you can find a lot of information about Michael and his books as well as Russian translation of several articles from bushfarms.com. List of translated articles will be updated, stay tuned!


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